• Kimia Pajouh Dorsa

    Goal-Oriented Research

    Synthesis and Analysis of Various Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Peptide Compounds

  • We are dedicated to the

    Discovery, Development & Commercialization

    Providing Consulting Services and Technical Knowledge for the Production of Raw Materials

    and Final Products of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Kimia Pajouh Dorsa

Kimia Pajouh Dorsa is a knowledge-based company which has been active in the field of providing technical knowledge for the preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients, which is specialized in peptide, cyclopeptide and nucleotide drugs. The company has been operating as a unique company in the area of preparing precursors of peptide radiopharmaceuticals. Meanwhile, the company consists of an extensive research and development department that carries out the process of transferring technical knowledge and consulting in the field of preparation of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Our Products


GnRH & LHRH Peptides


Other Peptides


Cosmetic Peptides


Medical Imaging Compounds


Other APIs

Contact Form

Address :

Floor, Unit 406, on the corner of Gordafarid St, and Heyat St, No 15, Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, North Kargar St. Post code: 1411893171 Tehran, lan

Contact Info :

Tel1 : +98 21 230 64 226

Tel2 : 98 21 910 82 100 (5102)

Email : info@kpdorsa.ir